Chronic exposure to pesticides can accelerate the progression of Parkinson’s disease, according to a recent UCLA study. The...

New-generation pesticides are often developed to replace earlier, more toxic chemicals in effort to clean up the environmental and human health impacts of these older agricultural pesticides....

A recent study in the journal Environmental Pollution is the first to show that chronic exposure to pesticides reduces fitness and reproduction of birds. Populations of farmland birds have been...

DDT is an insecticide commonly used to control mosquito-transmitted malaria in the 1900s, but was eventually banned across the globe because of extremely adverse side effects on human and...

Photo Credit: Jean Wimmerlin

Neonicotinoids are neurotoxic pesticides commonly used in conventional agriculture since the early 1990s. They are now known to contribute to...

Photo Credit: Juan Encalada

A six-month diet interventional study recently published in the journal Environment International shows that eating mostly organic produce can...

Photo Credit: Alessandra Gaioni

Exposure to harsh pesticides like organophosphates is linked to symptoms of neurobehavioral issues in children. New research uses...

Photo Credit: Vadim Karnakhin

A study recently published in the Journal of Applied Ecology found that organic agriculture can significantly increase the health of honeybee...

Photo Credit: Eva Fan

A recent study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation found that farmers are more likely to purchase less expensive pesticides, and...

Non-organic milk tests positive for illegal antibiotics, high levels of growth hormones

and controversial pesticide contaminants

