On farms, chemical application changes the biophysical cues that plants use to attract pollinators, according to a recent British study. Spraying flowers with synthetic fertilizer, altered their...

Organic farming practices regulated by the USDA successfully limit soil risk to colonization by pathogenic bacteria, according to a recent American study published in the journal Frontiers in...

Organically cultivated soil hosts a more diverse microbiome than that of conventionally-farmed land, where many farmers treat their crops with synthetic chemicals to fight soil borne diseases....

When farmers increase the number of crops in their fields, this in turn changes the landscape, and wild pollinators stand to benefit, according to a paper published yesterday in...

For the first time, researchers evaluated if a statewide initiative that pushes all farmers in the state of Andhra Pradesh...

A recent study published in the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity found that non-crop flowering fields are helpful in attracting bumblebees to cropland, but organically managed crops rich...

A recent study published in Agronomy Journal found that using perennial living mulches can regenerate soil health faster and with less cost than using annual cover crops. There are many benefits...

Industrialized chemical agriculture has caused a decline of many important insects across the globe, while organic farming can promote biodiversity by using fewer harmful sprays and by providing...

The ever-growing global population demands more food production, while at the same time, increased farming intensity has contributed to the depletion of important insect populations. A recent...

Using biological soil amendments in organic farming is the most effective way to store carbon in the ground to fight climate change and boost soil health for better food production. And since...
