A recent study published in Agronomy Journal found that using perennial living mulches can regenerate soil health faster and with less cost than using annual cover crops. There are many benefits...
A recent study published in Agronomy Journal found that using perennial living mulches can regenerate soil health faster and with less cost than using annual cover crops. There are many benefits...
Successful rural development hinges on both the profitability and the environmental sustainability of cropping systems. This is especially true in regions like the tropics where the success of...
Supporting biodiversity is not only a tenet of organic farming, but the ecosystem services that biodiversity can provide to farmers is also relied upon for...
Genetically modified cotton is widely grown throughout China, South Africa, India and the U.S. Science on the environmental, social and public health effects of GM cotton has mixed results with...
Organic agricultural practices provide many ecosystem services that improve farm production while simultaneously protecting the environment. For instance, organic farming...
Palm oil is a widely used ingredient in processed foods and a popular cooking oil that is often preferred for its affordability when compared to other vegetable oils. Unfortunately, oil palm...
Photo Credit: Alejandro Luengo
While organic farming benefits the health of the environment and those who farm that land, it is critical that organic farming is profitable...
Photo Credit: Greta Farnedi
There is a growing body of science that shows organic farming supports more biodiversity and can bring in more income than conventional farming...
Photo Credit: Jean Wimmerlin
Neonicotinoids are neurotoxic pesticides commonly used in conventional agriculture since the early 1990s. They are now known to contribute to...
Photo Credit: Janice Gill
Insects can be really important and beneficial to crop production when they provide services such as pollination and help control other pest...