Incorporating cover crops into crop rotations is known to have many benefits to soil health and ultimately crop yield. However, they are often prevented from flowering--which would support...
Incorporating cover crops into crop rotations is known to have many benefits to soil health and ultimately crop yield. However, they are often prevented from flowering--which would support...
Photo Credit: Vadim Karnakhin
A study recently published in the Journal of Applied Ecology found that organic agriculture can significantly increase the health of honeybee...
Photo credit: Bernard Spragg
A recent study published in the Journal Nature Sustainability used two different meta-analyses to demonstrate that organic farming promotes...
photo credit; Angelia Sims
Many studies have demonstrated that organic farms harbor higher biodiversity than conventional farms. However, until now, few studies have...
Photo credit: tanakawho
A recent study published in the journal New Phytologist has demonstrated that genetically engineered crops may pass on extra benefits to nearby...