New study shows that choosing organic is an easy way to avoid pesticide, antibiotic, and synthetic growth hormone residues in milk
Photo Credit: Andy Kelly
Milk is an important contributor to a healthy the human diet. It provides important protein, fat, calcium and vitamin D. Equivalents can be found in all dairy products including yogurt and cheese. But not all milk is created equal. A large body of research has shown for nearly 15 years that organic milk has a stronger profile of important fatty acids, antioxidants, and mineral nutrients than conventional milk making organic milk healthier for families. Now a new study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition shows that drinking organic milk provides an option to avoid pesticide, antibiotic, and synthetic growth hormone residues too.
Researchers at Emory University, in collaboration with The Organic Center, tested conventional and organic milk from store shelves across 9 regions of the U.S. and found that a majority of conventional milk samples tested positive for residues of antibiotics and currently used controversial pesticides. Two of detected antibiotics have been entirely banned from dairy production in the U.S., while one sample contained levels of amoxicillin that exceeded the FDA allowable limits. Pesticide residues of pesticides chlorpyrifos, atrazine, permethrin and more were found in 26 to 60 percent of conventional samples and none of the organic samples. Many of the detected chemicals are linked to serious and adverse effects on human and environmental health. Organic milk showed no such contaminants. Finally, residues of growth hormones in conventional milk were 20 times higher than in organic. The results of this important study indicate that organic milk is a clean and safe choice for the family.
For more information visit:
And check out the new Organic Center report "The Benefits of Organic Dairy"