Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema
According to a new study in the journal Foods, conventional farmers are now using twice as much glyphosate spray as they did in the...
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema
According to a new study in the journal Foods, conventional farmers are now using twice as much glyphosate spray as they did in the...
Photo credit: Scot Nelson
A study published in the journal PLOS ONE has found that one of the worst insect pests to attack corn and cotton, the corn worm (also commonly...
Photo credit: Global Justice Now
A new study published in the journal Nature Technical Reports builds on previous work that correlates rat exposure to Roundup at very low...
Photo credit: USFWS Mountain-Praire
New information has recently surfaced suggesting that the recently approved herbicide, Enlist Duo, is more toxic to non-target plants...
Photo credit: Lindsay Eyink
A new study published in Ecological Indicators evaluated the costs, benefits, environmental performance and sustainability of different...
Photo credit: tanakawho
A recent study published in the journal New Phytologist has demonstrated that genetically engineered crops may pass on extra benefits to nearby...
Photo credit: NIAID
A new study in mBio, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Society for Microbiology, suggests that the herbicides dicamba (Kamba), 2,4-...
Photo credit: Chafer 33
A new study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that exposure to glyphosate, one of the primary pesticides used on...
Photo credit: William Warby
A study published this summer by researchers at the University of Guelph in the Journal of Animal Ecology reports that the use of herbicide-...
Photo Credit: Angie Garrett
A study out of Iowa State University, published this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has documented the...