Photo Credit: Ron Dauphin
Certified organic farms are required to support biodiversity, which in return provides important services back to the farm and improves...
Photo Credit: Ron Dauphin
Certified organic farms are required to support biodiversity, which in return provides important services back to the farm and improves...
Photo Credit: Andy Holmes
Tension between biodiversity conservation and risk management of foodborne pathogens in agriculture has increased since a major E. coli outbreak...
Photo Credit: Divide_by_zero
In an effort to ensure food is free from harmful pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses, food safety regulations have become increasingly...
Organic isn’t just important for decreasing the risk of pesticide exposure on food for you and your family, organic production also has some serious health benefits for farmers and farmworkers....
One of the big research focus areas this year centered on how organic farms impact the economy as a whole, and farmer liveliehoods in specific. One study found that organic hot spots – counties...
Photo credit: SmcGarnigle
A study recently published in the journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems by researchers at the University of Oregon aimed to understand...
Photo credit: Andy Powell
A new study using data from the Agricultural Health Study and published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine examined the...
A new study published by the International Society for Organic Farming Research (ISOFAR) in the Proceedings from the 2017 Organic World Congress examines the importance of participatory breeding...
Photo credit: Ashley
A recent study published in the journal Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems investigated how conversion of conventional cotton to organic cotton by...
Photo credit: Miki Yoshihito
A new study published in the journal Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis has found that high pesticide exposure events are associated with...