Photo Credit: Ron Dauphin
Certified organic farms are required to support biodiversity, which in return provides important services back to the farm and improves...
Photo Credit: Ron Dauphin
Certified organic farms are required to support biodiversity, which in return provides important services back to the farm and improves...
Photo Credit: Divide_by_zero
In an effort to ensure food is free from harmful pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses, food safety regulations have become increasingly...
Photo Credit: Federico Moroni
A recent study in the journal Biological Control surveyed beetle communities in conventional and organic farms, and found that only organic...
Photo Credit: Gabriel Jimenez
An article published in the most recent issue of the Organic Farmer magazine highlights a partnership between The Organic Center and UC Davis...
Photo credit: Bruce Marlin
A recent article published in the Journal of Applied Ecology shows that contrary to popular perception, increased biodiversity on the farm can...