Birds from organic farms exhibit more vitality than those who live on conventional farms, according to a recent French study. Organic birds exhibit a higher rate of active behaviors including...
Birds from organic farms exhibit more vitality than those who live on conventional farms, according to a recent French study. Organic birds exhibit a higher rate of active behaviors including...
Foraging bats–bats who live in green spaces– prefer organic farms over conventional farms, according to a recent Italian study. Farm management was the greatest indicator of bat activity, and...
Supporting biodiversity is not only a tenet of organic farming, but the ecosystem services that biodiversity can provide to farmers is also relied upon for...
Hedgerows and flower strips are often planted among crops to boost beneficial insect populations, but there are few comprehensive studies that compare different types...
Much research has shown the benefits of birds on farms when they eat insect (or even animal) pests to crops, but other research also shows that birds can be pests...
Organic agricultural practices provide many ecosystem services that improve farm production while simultaneously protecting the environment. For instance, organic farming...
Photo Credit: Ron Dauphin
Certified organic farms are required to support biodiversity, which in return provides important services back to the farm and improves...
Photo Credit: Farsai Chaikulngamdee
A recent study in the journal Scientia Horticulturae found that agroecological organic production outperformed larger-scale and more...
Photo Credit: Joseph Watson
Organic certification requires farmers to support important biodiversity such as birds and bees. While a lot of research has shown that more...
Photo Credit: Jessica Ruscello
The question of whether organic farming can feed the world has fueled many studies that calculate ratios of conventional to organic yield to...