Photo credit: NRCS
The use of manure is often cited as the reason organically managed soils have higher soil health than conventionally managed soils, but research out of...
Photo credit: NRCS
The use of manure is often cited as the reason organically managed soils have higher soil health than conventionally managed soils, but research out of...
Photo credit: Robert Cous-Baker
A recent study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment compared soil quality in conventional and organic citrus orchards...
Photo credit: Dr. Jennifer L. Graham - U.S. Geological Survey
Last week, The Washington Post reported that the Chesapeake Bay’s ‘dead zone’—a portion of the bay completely...
Photo Credit: Greenpeace China
A joint report between Resource Media and the National Wildlife Federation details the severe consequences of toxic algal blooms in the...
Two researchers from the Newcastle University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences examined nutrient management on organic farms in their article, “Long-term management of nutrients...