Organic certification prohibits continuous confinement and the use of antibiotics in livestock production, which increases the health and wellbeing of the animals, as well as those who handle them...
Organic certification prohibits continuous confinement and the use of antibiotics in livestock production, which increases the health and wellbeing of the animals, as well as those who handle them...
Photo credit: US Department of Agriculture
Organic agriculture combats antibiotic resistance on multiple fronts. Studies show that by prohibiting antibiotic use in organic...
Photo credit: Masahiro Ihara
A new report commissioned by the European Parliament reviews the existing scientific literature on the human health implications of organic...
Photo credit: Nick Saltmarsh
A study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE tested swine from four different European countries—Denmark, France, Italy, and Sweden—...
Photo credit: Bour3
A new study published in the scientific journal Clinical Infectious Diseases has found evidence that antibiotic-resistant strain of the bacteria...