photo credit: Jason Blackeye
A recent study published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment found that more resources for pollinators, more wild bees, and more types...
photo credit: Jason Blackeye
A recent study published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment found that more resources for pollinators, more wild bees, and more types...
photo credit: Andy Kelly
A recent study published in the journal Organic Agriculture shows that some French dairy farmers are transitioning to organic production to improve...
Photo Credit: Chafer
Using organic fertilizers like manure instead of synthetic, conventional fertilizer can have a beneficial impact on multiple measures of soil health,...
One of the coolest things about organic is that it forces us to think outside of the conventional agriculture toolbox. Instead of using toxic, synthetic pesticides and man-made fertilizer, organic...
In general, eating meat has a higher impact on the environment than a vegetable-based diet. When you do decide to eat a burger, however, you should still think about the best way to minimize your...
The last year has seen a jump in the number of long-term research studies about the benefits of organic farming. Researchers have had their eye on organic for a while now, and we’re starting to...
Choosing organic is still the best way to support healthy soils, and the organic food that you eat has a direct impact on the earth it was grown in. This year a long-term study found that organic...
Organic isn’t just important for decreasing the risk of pesticide exposure on food for you and your family, organic production also has some serious health benefits for farmers and farmworkers....
One of the big research focus areas this year centered on how organic farms impact the economy as a whole, and farmer liveliehoods in specific. One study found that organic hot spots – counties...
Just as organic is good for the birds, so is it for the bees! This is true for honeybees, but also for wild bee communities and the flowers that they rely on. Researchers looked into how farming...