Drinking milk during pregnancy linked to adult height, lower risk of type-two diabetes

WL001002A new study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who drink 150 ml of milk a day or more during pregnancy had taller children with less risk of developing Type Two diabetes. Previous research has shown that drinking milk during pregnancy has growth-promoting effects on babies in utero, but this is the first study that documents the long-term benefits of milk consumption. The study was led by a team of researchers from the University of Iceland who, in the late 1980s, tracked the birth weight and birth length of 809 babies born to women who drank differing levels of milk during pregnancy. The researchers recently followed up with these families to measure the height and insulin levels of grown children to determine if the benefits conferred in utero from their mother’s milk consumption during pregnancy lasted into adulthood. They found that the offspring of mothers who had a daily milk consumption rate of at least 150 ml during pregnancy, on average, were taller than children whose mothers consumed less milk, and had 14 percent higher insulin levels. These results not only show that the growth-promoting effects of milk consumption track into early adulthood, but also that milk consumption is correlated with insulin levels, suggesting that drinking milk during pregnancy may decrease the likelihood of children developing Type-Two diabetes later in life.

When choosing milk, remember to look for organic options to avoid antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides.  Organic milk also has a better nutritional profile than conventional milk.  Keep an eye out for a blog covering the benefits of organic milk in the near future!