Photo Credit: Eva Fan
A recent study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation found that farmers are more likely to purchase less expensive pesticides, and...
Photo Credit: Eva Fan
A recent study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation found that farmers are more likely to purchase less expensive pesticides, and...
Photo Credit: Paul Illsley
A recent study in the journal Insects shows that planting floral resources for natural enemies and in combination with a trap crop that draws...
Photo Credit: Atik Sulianami
Organic farming helps bolster important beneficial soil fungi, leading to healthier plants. These fungi improve nutrient uptake and soil health...
Photo Credit: Joseph Watson
Organic certification requires farmers to support important biodiversity such as birds and bees. While a lot of research has shown that more...
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Biological soil amendments like compost are essential for organic farmers, and in some places, organic fertilizer production...
Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores
It is well known that organic farming practices increase important and beneficial biodiversity. A recent study published in the journal Biota...
Photo Credit: Andy Kelly
Milk is an important contributor to a healthy the human diet. It provides important protein, fat, calcium and vitamin D. Equivalents can be found...
Photo credit: Henry Be
A cost/return analysis published in Agronomy Journal compared production costs, yield and net returns for conventional versus organic crop rotations...
Photo credit: USDA National Agroforestry Center
Organic farmers must employ integrated management strategies to control pests in an environmentally friendly way. New...
Photo credit: Chris Abney
Apple production in North America and Europe is largely threatened by two insect pests: rosy apple aphids and codling moths. In conventional apple...