Photo credit: United Soybean Board
Organic farmers rely on tillage to combat weeds in place of herbicides, incorporate organic matter into the soil and reduce soil...
Photo credit: United Soybean Board
Organic farmers rely on tillage to combat weeds in place of herbicides, incorporate organic matter into the soil and reduce soil...
Photo credit: Dan Graham
A new study in the journal Pedosphere has found that organic management improves soil health. Researchers compared soil health in three...
Photo credit: David J
It is understood that organic farming leads to substantial growth and improvement of soil microbial communities. However, few studies have...
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture
A recent study published in Agronomy Journal found that after 40 years of farming, organic agriculture improves physical...
Photo credit: Jin Kemoole
A new study in the Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science evaluated soil health in organic and conventional basmati rice fields in North...
Photo credit: Brian Boucheron
It’s the little teeny things in our soils – the invisible-to-the-eye microorganisms -- that make a big difference. Studies from across the...
Northeastern University and The Organic Center have released a breakthrough study showing that organic cuts agriculture’s contribution to climate change! Learn more about how this research proves...
Photo Credit: University of Illinois
A collaboration between the National Soil Project at Northeastern University and The Organic Center shows that organic soils have...
Photo credit: Kate Russell
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an important part of the soil biodiversity that provide advantages to crops by increasing water and...