As part of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) board, the Organic Center’s Director of Science Programs has joined the Organic World Congress (OWC) Science Board for...

Photo Credit: Rodale Institute

An article recently published in the Journal of Agronomy Research assessed a wide range of organic mulch and fertilizers on the production of...

The Organic Center recently collaborated on a proposal that was selected for a full symposium session at the Entomological Society of America Conference in St. Louis, MO November 17-20, 2019. The...

Photo Credit: NIAID

A new and deadly drug-resistant yeast, Candida auris, has been identified in 13 U.S. states and across the globe, according to the Centers for Disease...

A recent study, published in the journal of Ecology and Evolution, found that farmers can suppress weeds using less tillage when they combine cover crops and compost. Weeds are a major issue,...

Photo credit: Bruce Marlin

A recent article published in the Journal of Applied Ecology shows that contrary to popular perception, increased biodiversity on the farm can...

Photo credit: ChangyoungKoh

Choosing organic when you’re shopping for beef at the supermarket may be a good way to boost the nutrition in your meals, according to a recent...

Photo credit: Aaron Greenwood

A recent study published in the journal Ecological Economics found that organic agriculture can improve rural development and increase the...

Annual event celebrates science-based work of The Center to advance organic

Almost 500 organic visionaries, activists and businesses from around the country gathered on March 6 for The...

Photo credit: Jonas Jacobsson

A recently published study in Nutrition Journal shows that people with future-oriented personalities are more likely to consume organic food....
