Photo credit: NIAID

A recent commentary published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine calls for research to increase our understanding of risks to...

Photo credit: Lance Cheung, United States Department of Agriculture

A recent study published in Perspectives in Public Health has found that Danish schools committed to...

Photo credit: Barbara Hobbs

A recent study in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment detailed a three-year study designed to assess the impact of fertilizers and...

Photo credit: Alex Lomas

According to a study conducted by scientists from Harvard University and published in the journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, neonicotinoid...

Photo credit: Michael Newton

Widespread and indiscriminate feeding of antibiotics to livestock is commonplace in conventional farming systems, and has led to an increase in...

Photo credit: Dr. Jennifer L. Graham - U.S. Geological Survey

Last week, The Washington Post reported that the Chesapeake Bay’s ‘dead zone’—a portion of the bay completely...

Photo credit: William Warby

A study published this summer by researchers at the University of Guelph in the Journal of Animal Ecology reports that the use of herbicide-...

Photo credit: ConstructionDealMkting

A comprehensive report by Health Care Without Harm calls for a reconsideration of how we define healthy food. According to the report,...

Photo credit: Fiona Henderson

A recent report published by Canadian doctors in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology details the case of a 10-year-old girl who was...

Photo Credit: Calsidyrose

A new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience found that the Mississippi River is inundated by the amount of nitrogen runoff from farms,...
