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  1. Long-term study finds organic farming is good for soil organisms

    Long-term study finds organic farming is good for soil organisms

  2. Common flame retardants found in mothers and children

    Common flame retardants found in mothers and children

  3. Bumblebee foraging behavior deteriorates with pesticide exposure

    Bumblebee foraging behavior deteriorates with pesticide exposure

  4. Alternative pesticides also pose risk to the Great Barrier Reef

    Alternative pesticides also pose risk to the Great Barrier Reef

  5. Systematic neonicotinoid use decreases ecosystem services

    Systematic neonicotinoid use decreases ecosystem services

  6. Neonicotinoids from treated seeds contaminate Midwestern streams

    Neonicotinoids from treated seeds contaminate Midwestern streams

  7. Neonicotinoid use leads to decline in bird populations

    Neonicotinoid use leads to decline in bird populations

  8. Neonicotinoids contaminate Canadian wetlands

    Neonicotinoids contaminate Canadian wetlands

  9. Pesticide exposure linked to depression in agricultural workers

    Pesticide exposure linked to depression in agricultural workers

  10. Flame retardants transferred from household dust to laundry to waterways

    Flame retardants transferred from household dust to laundry to waterways

  11. Bee population declines could lead to an increase in malnutrition

    Bee population declines could lead to an increase in malnutrition

  12. Flame retardants in household dust linked to childhood leukemia

    Flame retardants in household dust linked to childhood leukemia

  13. Contaminated Argentine wetland poses threat to humans and migrating birds

    Contaminated Argentine wetland poses threat to humans and migrating birds

  14. Fungicide over-use leads to resistant fruit and vegetable pathogens.

    Fungicide over-use leads to resistant fruit and vegetable pathogens.

  15. Organic farming leads to large increases in biodiversity

    Organic farming leads to large increases in biodiversity

  16. Pesticide use associated with diabetes in farmers’ wives

    Pesticide use associated with diabetes in farmers’ wives

  17. Increasing natural areas in agricultural land helps conserve biodiversity

    Increasing natural areas in agricultural land helps conserve biodiversity

  18. Low-level exposure to neonicotinoids weakens bees’ motor skills

    Low-level exposure to neonicotinoids weakens bees’ motor skills

  19. Neonicotinoid-coated soybean seeds provide little benefit

    Neonicotinoid-coated soybean seeds provide little benefit

  20. Urban farming is better for soils than conventional agriculture

    Urban farming is better for soils than conventional agriculture

  21. Pollinators increase with landscape diversity on organic farms

    Pollinators increase with landscape diversity on organic farms

  22. Organic farms provide more food sources for young songbirds

    Organic farms provide more food sources for young songbirds

  23. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria transmission between humans and livestock

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria transmission between humans and livestock

  24. Pesticide exposure linked to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

    Pesticide exposure linked to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

  25. Bt pesticide resistance in the Armyworm

    Bt pesticide resistance in the Armyworm

  26. Alternative flame retardant increases fat cells and decreases bone cells

    Alternative flame retardant increases fat cells and decreases bone cells

  27. Insects visit flowers more in organic vineyard than conventional ones

    Insects visit flowers more in organic vineyard than conventional ones

  28. Organic cotton is better for the environment than conventional cotton

    Organic cotton is better for the environment than conventional cotton

  29. Yield gap between organic and conventional farming lower than previously thought

    Yield gap between organic and conventional farming lower than previously thought

  30. Neonicotinoid pesticide use leads to increased crop damage by slugs

    Neonicotinoid pesticide use leads to increased crop damage by slugs
