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  1. Another Study Shows Nutritional Benefits of Organic Tomatoes

    Another Study Shows Nutritional Benefits of Organic Tomatoes

  2. Harvard Research Confirms Link between Neonicotinoids and Honeybee Population Decline

    Harvard Research Confirms Link between Neonicotinoids and Honeybee Population Decline

  3. Herbicide exposure linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    Herbicide exposure linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma

  4. Prenatal exposure to pesticide may increase risk of autism

    Prenatal exposure to pesticide may increase risk of autism

  5. New study finds health benefits of organic food

    New study finds health benefits of organic food

  6. American Medical Association seeks ban on agricultural antibiotic use

    American Medical Association seeks ban on agricultural antibiotic use

  7. Press Release: The Organic Center launches major research effort to fight citrus greening

    Press Release: The Organic Center launches major research effort to fight citrus greening

  8. Neonicotinoids polluting rivers

    Neonicotinoids polluting rivers

  9. Glyphosate linked to birth defects in piglets

    Glyphosate linked to birth defects in piglets

  10. Reduced use of synthetic fertilizer will be critical for reducing dead zones

    Reduced use of synthetic fertilizer will be critical for reducing dead zones

  11. Exposure to antibiotics on blueberries leads to severe reaction

    Exposure to antibiotics on blueberries leads to severe reaction

  12. Redefining healthy food

    Redefining healthy food

  13. GM crops responsible for decline in monarch butterflies

    GM crops responsible for decline in monarch butterflies

  14. Fertilizer runoff leads to larger Chesapeake Bay dead zone

    Fertilizer runoff leads to larger Chesapeake Bay dead zone

  15. Decline in antibiotic use in livestock reduces antibiotic-resistant microbes

    Decline in antibiotic use in livestock reduces antibiotic-resistant microbes

  16. Herbicides and fertilizers decrease native plant diversity

    Herbicides and fertilizers decrease native plant diversity

  17. Neonicotinoid residues found in commonly consumed produce

    Neonicotinoid residues found in commonly consumed produce

  18. Organic food policies in schools foster healthier food environments

    Organic food policies in schools foster healthier food environments

  19. Pesticides and respiratory health

    Pesticides and respiratory health

  20. Chronic exposure to pyrethroid pesticide negatively affects bees.

    Chronic exposure to pyrethroid pesticide negatively affects bees.

  21. Alternative lifestyle associated with healthier mothers

    Alternative lifestyle associated with healthier mothers

  22. Fungicide is more detrimental to soil organisms in warm, dry conditions

    Fungicide is more detrimental to soil organisms in warm, dry conditions

  23. Flame retardants are found to bioaccumulate in bird eggs

    Flame retardants are found to bioaccumulate in bird eggs

  24. Earthworms living in conventional farm soils spend more energy ‘detoxing’

    Earthworms living in conventional farm soils spend more energy ‘detoxing’

  25. Hog workers bring home antibiotic-resistant bacteria

    Hog workers bring home antibiotic-resistant bacteria

  26. Antibiotic use in poultry production is more common than previously thought

    Antibiotic use in poultry production is more common than previously thought

  27. Organic farming is more energy efficient than conventional farms

    Organic farming is more energy efficient than conventional farms

  28. Pesticides found in U.S. streams and rivers

    Pesticides found in U.S. streams and rivers

  29. Long-term study finds organic farming is good for soil organisms

    Long-term study finds organic farming is good for soil organisms

  30. Common flame retardants found in mothers and children

    Common flame retardants found in mothers and children
