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Search results

  1. Organic lawn care results in healthier grass

    Organic lawn care results in healthier grass

  2. Pesticide cocktails linked to bee deaths

    Pesticide cocktails linked to bee deaths

  3. Antibiotic resistant bacteria increase

    Antibiotic resistant bacteria increase

  4. Conventional farming practices increase pesticide residues in streams

    Conventional farming practices increase pesticide residues in streams

  5. Glyphosate herbicides negatively impact human health

    Glyphosate herbicides negatively impact human health

  6. Neonicotinoid pesticides: Killing more than bees

    Neonicotinoid pesticides: Killing more than bees

  7. The Consequences of GMOs

    The Consequences of GMOs

  8. Use of antibiotics in chicken rearing leads to deaths from antibiotic resistant bacteria

    Use of antibiotics in chicken rearing leads to deaths from antibiotic resistant bacteria

  9. Hope for Citrus Greening control does not include synthetic pesticides

    Hope for Citrus Greening control does not include synthetic pesticides

  10. Presence of toxic insecticide in California air samples

    Presence of toxic insecticide in California air samples

  11. Radio telemetry used to track honey bees

    Radio telemetry used to track honey bees

  12. Honeybee population decline effects on crops

    Honeybee population decline effects on crops

  13. Converting to organic agriculture can improve farmer livelihoods

    Converting to organic agriculture can improve farmer livelihoods

  14. Synthetic fertilizer use contributes to manatee, dolphin, and pelican deaths

    Synthetic fertilizer use contributes to manatee, dolphin, and pelican deaths

  15. Intensive land use decreases soil biodiversity

    Intensive land use decreases soil biodiversity

  16. Farm fertilizer runoff contributing to Dead Zone

    Farm fertilizer runoff contributing to Dead Zone

  17. Antibiotic use linked to dangerous antibacterial-resistant bacterium

    Antibiotic use linked to dangerous antibacterial-resistant bacterium

  18. German study examines antibiotic use levels in livestock

    German study examines antibiotic use levels in livestock

  19. The importance of monitoring harm of GMOs on butterfly populations

    The importance of monitoring harm of GMOs on butterfly populations

  20. Roundup Ready crops may be creating super-weeds

    Roundup Ready crops may be creating super-weeds

  21. Genetically modified genes may enter the blood stream through diet

    Genetically modified genes may enter the blood stream through diet

  22. Organic milk production is less harmful to the land

    Organic milk production is less harmful to the land

  23. Plants sold at home and garden stores may have high toxic chemical levels

    Plants sold at home and garden stores may have high toxic chemical levels

  24. Thirty years of organic: A success story

    Thirty years of organic: A success story

  25. Good bacteria gets passed to babies from breast milk

    Good bacteria gets passed to babies from breast milk

  26. Drinking milk during pregnancy linked to adult height, lower risk of type-two diabetes

    Drinking milk during pregnancy linked to adult height, lower risk of type-two diabetes

  27. New Report about Organic by The Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists

    New Report about Organic by The Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists

  28. High energy efficiency on organic farms

    High energy efficiency on organic farms

  29. Nutrient management on organic farms

    Nutrient management on organic farms

  30. Increased profitability after organic conversion in Punjab and Uttarakhand

    Increased profitability after organic conversion in Punjab and Uttarakhand
