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Search results

  1. Persistent organic pollutants found in the Tibetan Plateau

    Persistent organic pollutants found in the Tibetan Plateau

  2. 50-year study on the impacts of inorganic fertilizer shows reduced soil structural stability

    50-year study on the impacts of inorganic fertilizer shows reduced soil structural stability

  3. Arsenic-based drugs used in conventional chicken production may result in increased inorganic arsenic levels in conventional chicken meat

    Arsenic-based drugs used in conventional chicken production may result in increased inorganic arsenic levels in conventional chicken meat

  4. Probiotics prevent diarrhea associated with Clostridium difficile

    Probiotics prevent diarrhea associated with Clostridium difficile

  5. GMO Wheat Discovery: Dangers and Implications

    GMO Wheat Discovery: Dangers and Implications

  6. Pesticide Exposure Contributes To Food Allergies

    Pesticide Exposure Contributes To Food Allergies

  7. Organochlorine pesticides affect fetal motor activity

    Organochlorine pesticides affect fetal motor activity

  8. Resistance to Bt Genetically Modified Crops found in 5 major pests

    Resistance to Bt Genetically Modified Crops found in 5 major pests

  9. Genetically Modified feed has negative effects on pig health

    Genetically Modified feed has negative effects on pig health

  10. Glyphosate May Induce Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells

    Glyphosate May Induce Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells

  11. The environmental risks of neonicotinoid insecticides

    The environmental risks of neonicotinoid insecticides

  12. Pesticides Spark Broad Biodiversity Loss

    Pesticides Spark Broad Biodiversity Loss

  13. Record breaking 'Dead Zones' Predicted for Gulf of Mexico

    Record breaking 'Dead Zones' Predicted for Gulf of Mexico

  14. GM Crops Do Not Offer Yield Benefits

    GM Crops Do Not Offer Yield Benefits

  15. Roundup residues found in European city dwellers

    Roundup residues found in European city dwellers

  16. Agricultural Runoff Study

    Agricultural Runoff Study

  17. Babies Exposed to Pesticides Prenatally

    Babies Exposed to Pesticides Prenatally

  18. Pesticides Contribute to Butterfly Decline

    Pesticides Contribute to Butterfly Decline

  19. Levels of Allowed Glyphosate Residues in Food Increase

    Levels of Allowed Glyphosate Residues in Food Increase

  20. Pesticide Exposure leads to Genetic Damage in Soybean Workers

    Pesticide Exposure leads to Genetic Damage in Soybean Workers

  21. Workers at Conventional Livestock Operations may be at Risk for Exposure to Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

    Workers at Conventional Livestock Operations may be at Risk for Exposure to Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

  22. Another Super-weed with Pesticide Resistance

    Another Super-weed with Pesticide Resistance

  23. Herbicide exposure linked to depression in agricultural workers

    Herbicide exposure linked to depression in agricultural workers

  24. Organic production of citrus is more sustainable and cost effective

    Organic production of citrus is more sustainable and cost effective

  25. Non-chemical Control of Weeds Successful

    Non-chemical Control of Weeds Successful

  26. Organophosphates Blamed for Death of Children

    Organophosphates Blamed for Death of Children

  27. Return of long-absent bumblebee near Seattle stirs scientific buzz

    Return of long-absent bumblebee near Seattle stirs scientific buzz

  28. Study Reveals how Crop Rotations Improve Agriculture

    Study Reveals how Crop Rotations Improve Agriculture

  29. Loss of a Single Bee Species Can Harm Plants

    Loss of a Single Bee Species Can Harm Plants

  30. Frogs Living in Remote Areas Still Exposed to Toxic Pesticides

    Frogs Living in Remote Areas Still Exposed to Toxic Pesticides
