Easy-to-peel boiled eggs

The Science

Eggs provide an affordable option for an important source of protein, but not all eggs are considered equal. A recent study published in the journal Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria compared overall quality and nutritional composition between organic and conventionally produced eggs. Organic eggs came out on top with larger yolks and more macronutrients of sodium and potassium.

The Recipe

young girl holding up eggs in front of her eyes

There are many theories about how to cook the perfect boiled egg and perfection depends a bit on personal preference. But this recipe, adapted from a recent issue of Cook’s Illustrated Magazine, results in truly easy-to-peel hard boiled eggs, which sometimes feels like a pipe dream to achieve. The trick is using a steamer basket instead of boiling, and make sure you leave the eggs in the ice bath until you peel them.


  • Steamer basket of choice: either a bamboo steamer basket or a metal veggie steamer basket will work
  • Pot large enough to house steamer basket
  • Large bowl for ice bath
  • 1 dozen eggs (or however many will fit in your steamer basket)
  • Water and ice
  • Fill pot with enough water to boil, but make sure the water does not submerge the bottom of the steamer basket.
  • Bring to a boil
  • Add eggs to steamer basket in the pot, cover with pot lid, reduce heat to medium-low, and let cook for 13 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, prepare the ice bath by combining equal parts of water and ice. Use at least 2 cups of each but if you’re boiling a big batch of eggs, you’ll need to increase this amount. There needs to be enough ice bath to completely submerge eggs.
  • At 13 minutes, turn off the heat and transfer eggs from steamer basket to ice bath. Let sit for at least 15 minutes. If ice melts quickly, add more. The water needs to be very cold when you peel the eggs.
  • Peel eggs straight out of the ice bath. Rinse off any remaining egg shell bits and serve or store in the fridge.

Banner Photo Credit: Danielle Macinnes

Kids Recipes, Sides
organic eggs