The Organic Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and education organization based out of Washington D.C.

Our Vision

A sustainable and secure food system that promotes the health of humans and the environment.

Our Mission

Our mission is to conduct and convene credible, evidence-based science on the environmental and health effects of organic food and farming and communicate the findings to the public.

We will achieve our mission through:

  • Education and research on sustainable organic food and farming to improve the health of humans and the environment.
  • Communicate credible, evidence-based science to examine the health and environmental impacts of sustainable organic food and farming
  • Advance understanding about the health and environmental impacts of organic food and farming through scientific research
  • Improve the efficacy and sustainability of organic farming methods through scientific research

Our Goals

  • To engage and develop partnerships with universities, research institutions, federal agencies, organic farmers, and food systems advocates that are working to improve and transform agricultural systems.
  • To stimulate and participate in research that will (1) fill knowledge gaps about the health and environmental benefits of organic farming and (2) increase the viability and sustainability of the U.S. agricultural system.
  • To empower consumers to make choices that will improve their health, the health of the environment and the health of their communities through education and outreach.
  • To serve as a resource for the public, policy makers, scientists, farmers and industry on the science supporting sustainable organic food and farming.
  • To strengthen and expand organic practices and commodities which reduce the use of toxic, synthetic chemicals and have clear benefits to human health and the environment.