The Organic Center's VIP Dinner: A Success!
The Organic Center’s held its Annual VIP Dinner on March 7th, 2014, and the event was an unmitigated success! We raised more than $500,000 for our research and education campaigns, and increased awareness on a number of important research issues affecting the organic community.
At the dinner we spoke about past and ongoing research projects. One of our recently completed projects documents organic methods for preventing fire blight in apple and pear orchards. We also have four ongoing projects: The first is a partnership with the University of Virginia examining the effects of organic farming practices on nitrogen pollution. We are also collaborating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service to examine methods for decreasing arsenic uptake in organically grown rice. Our third project is looks at soil health on organic farms with researchers at Northeastern University. Finally, we are collaborating with Harvard University to study the health effects of dietary pesticide exposure.
The Organic Center’s first Award of Excellence was also presented at the dinner to Charles Benbrook, a research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University. The award honors excellence in supporting the science behind the benefits of organic food and farming, according to the release. At Washington State University, Benbrook is program leader of “Measure to Manage: Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health." Before that, Benbrook was The Organic Center’s original chief scientist and is still a member of its Science Advisory Board.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, and for those who had to miss it - we hope to see you next year! Todd Linsky, the vice-president of organic sales for Cal-Organic/Grimmway Farms and chair of the Center’s board of trustees, extends his sincere gratitude for all our supporters. “The Center graciously thanks our generous supporters for these crucial donations that make it possible for the organization to carry out its work proving and communicating the science behind organic agriculture and products,” said Todd.