Chensheng (Alex) Lu

Scientific Counselor
Harvard University

Alex Lu is an Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology in the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH).  His research focuses on understanding how ecological and human health are being affected by the pervasive presence of pesticides in the environment. His research follows the gene-environment interaction paradigm in which he characterizes exposures using biomarker approach first and then seek for mechanistic interpretations for the adverse health effects. His public health service involves in implementing practical methodologies, such as integrate pest management (IPM), at the community level in order to mitigate exposures to toxic chemicals, specifically pesticides. His ongoing collaboration with public housing authority and residents living in urban low-income public housing is making a great impact on adapting IPM practice so less pesticide is being used in residents’ dwellings. Alex also actively engages in public speaking events, as well as interviews by various media outlets, in translating research findings on the subject of pesticides and human health to general publics.  He currently serves as an Associate Editor for Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), one of the leading peer-review journals of environmental health, since 2006, and as an ad hoc reviewer for more than 30 scientific journals. He also serves as an ad hoc member on the scientific advisory panel to US Environmental Protection Agency under the authority of the Federal Insecticides, Fungicides, and Rodenticides Act (FIFRA) since 2004.