Andre Brito
Dr. Brito is Associate Professor in the department of Agriculture, Nutrition, & Food System at the University of New Hampshire. His research focuses on Organic Dairy Management, with an emphasis on enhancing nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows through dietary manipulation to reduce the environmental impact of organic dairy systems. His work also examines how to enhance forage quality and digestibility by increasing the concentration of nonstructural carbohydrates through daytime cutting management (e.g., sundown- vs. sunup-cutting) and timing of pasture allocation (e.g., sundown vs. sunup strip grazing). Dr. Brito works to develop supplementation strategies to enhance pasture nutrient utilization while reducing the output of nitrogen and methane to the environment in pasture-based organic dairy systems, and improve milk composition (e.g., milk omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids) and animal health by feeding flaxseed to organic dairy cows.