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  1. Citrus

  2. Rice

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  4. News and Updates

  5. What is the antibiotic sulfathiazole and why should I be concerned?

    Sulfathiazole is a synthetic antibiotic that is prohibited from use in lactating dairy cows, and has a detection tolerance limit of zero in milk.

  6. Partners

  7. Publications

  8. Manure 2

  9. Project Details

  10. News & Updates

  11. Partners

  12. Integrated Livestock 1

  13. Organic Meat

  14. Celery

  15. Project Details

  16. What is the antibiotic sulfamethazine and why should I be concerned?

    Sulfamethazine is a synthetic antibiotic with carcinogenic properties and adverse effects including allergic reactions. Sulfamethazine quickly distributes to milk in cows treated with it, so it is prohibited from use in lactating dairy cows, and has a detection tolerance limit of zero in milk to be consumed by humans.

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  20. News and Updates


    There are some dramatic differences between the improved management practice and the local farm management practice. The improved management practice treatment significantly increased stand at the seedling stage, suppressed weeds and narrow brown leaf spot at maturity, and increased grain yield compared to the local farm management practice treatment. Below you can see pictures of the improved management plot and the local farm management plot side by side – the pictures really show these differences!

  21. Farmer1

  22. Project Details

  23. Research Team

  24. Advisory Board

  25. Cotton

  26. How do I avoid illegal antibiotics in milk?

    The use of all antibiotics is prohibited in organic dairy production. Not only are antibiotics prohibited for use in organic, but this research shows ZERO incidences of antibiotic residues in organic milk, while 37% of the conventional milk on grocery shelves tested positive for antibiotic residues. To avoid potential contamination by antibiotics you can choose organic milk and dairy products. 

  27. 2020 Organic Science Roundup with The Organic Center 

    2020 Organic Science Roundup with The Organic Center 

    Presented Thursday, December 10 

    Come learn about the hottest science in the field of organic food and farming from 2020. This webinar brings together leading scientists to talk about where we’ve been and how far we’ve come  in this challenging year. Hear about what studies have changed the industry, how COVID has changed the research landscape, and what we foresee for the scientific outlook for 2021. 

  28. Biodiversity and Profitability on Organic Farms - Environmental and Economic Benefits of Organic Practices

    Biodiversity and Profitability on Organic Farms - Environmental and Economic Benefits of Organic Practices

    Presented July 1, 2020

  29. Building Soil Heath for Organic Systems

    Building Soil Heath for Organic Systems

    Presented on April 17, 2020

  30. Citrus Greening Disease - the Quest for an Organic Management Solution

    Citrus Greening Disease - the Quest for an Organic Management Solution

    Presented May 9, 2019
