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  6. Presence of foodborne pathogens and survival of generic E. coli in an organic integrated crop- livestock systems. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., Agro-Food Safety

  7. Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli in manured soils on certified organic farms in four regions of the USA

  8. Evidence for the efficacy of pre-harvest agricultural practices in mitigating food-safety risks to fresh produce in North America

  9. Pesticides Harm Bees and Fish

  10. Presence of foodborne pathogens and survival of generic E. coli in an organic integrated crop- livestock systems. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., Agro-Food Safety

  11. Publications from the research team


  12. Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF)

  13. Rodale Institute Study on Livestock Integration

  14. NRCS Livestock and Pasture Management

  15. NRCS Assistance for Organic Farmers

  16. Presence of Foodborne Pathogens and Survival of Generic E. coli in an Organic Integrated Crop-Livestock System (2024)

    Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) use animals to graze crop residues or cover crops before planting fresh produce and provide ecosystem services to support organic vegetable production. However, there is a risk of foodborne pathogen transfer to fresh produce because grazing may introduce enteric foodborne pathogens into the soil via animal feces, which may subsequently be transferred to the produce. Read more

  17. Risk Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli in Manured Soils on Certified Organic Farms in Four Regions of the USA (2023)

    Biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAO), including untreated amendments are often used to improve soil fertility and are particularly important in organic agriculture. However, application of untreated manure on cropland can potentially introduce foodborne pathogens into the soil and onto produce. Certified organic farms follow the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards that stipulate a 90- or 120-day interval between application of untreated manure and crop harvest, depending on whether the edible portion of the crop directly contacts the soil.

  18. Evidence for the Efficacy of Pre-harvest Agricultural Practices in Mitigating Food-Safety Risks to Fresh Produce in North America (2023)

    Consumption of contaminated produce remains a leading cause of foodborne illness. Increasingly, growers are altering agricultural practices and farm environments to manage food-safety hazards, but these changes often result in substantial economic, social, and environmental costs. Here, we present a comprehensive evidence synthesis evaluating the efficacy of soil, non-crop vegetation, animal, landscape, and irrigation water management strategies aimed at reducing produce-safety risk in North America.

  19. Salmonella and Escherichia coli Prevalence in Meat and Produce Sold at Farmers’ Markets in Northern California (2020)

    As the number of farmers' markets and other direct-to-consumer marketing channels increases, it is crucial to understand the potential risks associated with consuming directly marketed animal products and fresh produce.

  20. Organic Farming Improves Soil Health

  21. Assessment of Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin Use, Research Needs, and Extension Opportunities in Organic Production (2019)

    The use of biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAOs) to improve soil fertility and quality plays an important role in organic agriculture in the U.S. However, organic practices, such as untreated manure application, may introduce foodborne pathogens and consequently increase the risk of fresh produce contamination.

  22. Small-scale and Backyard Livestock Owners Needs Assessment in the Western United States (2019)

    The number of small-scale and backyard livestock and poultry owners in urban and peri-urban areas has increased greatly over the last 10 years in the U.S. However, these animal owners may live in areas without access to livestock and/or poultry veterinary care. The purpose of this study was to identify potential veterinary service needs of these animal owners in the western US, assess their use of management and husbandry practices with regards to disease prevention, and assess their attitudes about animal health and food safety.

  23. Persistence of Escherichia coli in the Soil of an Organic Mixed Crop-Livestock Farm Integrating Sheep Grazing within Vegetable Fields (2018)

    Mixed crop-livestock farms (MCLF) integrate livestock and crops using their animals to graze crop residues and/or cover crops. MCLF are considered sustainable because grazing and the manure deposited by livestock enhance soil fertility and recycles farm nutrients. However, livestock manure may introduce enteric foodborne pathogens to the soil, which could contaminate fresh produce. Organic farmers in the United States follow the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards, which require 90 or 120 days between incorporating raw manure into the soil and harvest.

  24. Assessment of Current Practices of Organic Farmers Regarding Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin: A Multi-regional U.S. Study (2018)

    Certified organic producers use biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAOs) to improve soil fertility and quality. Criteria for prevention of microbial contamination of crops have been based on the time interval between the application and crop harvesting. The objective of this study was to assess current practices related to the use of BSAAOs and food safety risks in organic agriculture, with a focus on produce commodities covered under the Produce Safety Rule.

  25. Survival and Persistence of Foodborne Pathogens in Manure-Amended Soils and Prevalence on Fresh Produce in Certified Organic Farms: A Multi-Regional Baseline Analysis (2021)

    Biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAOs), including untreated (e.g., raw or aged manure, or incompletely composted manure) and treated animal products (e.g., compost), are used for crop production and as part of soil health management. Application of BSAAO's must be done cautiously, as raw manure commonly contains enteric foodborne pathogens that can potentially contaminate edible produce that may be consumed without cooking.

  26. Risk Factors of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Livestock Raised on Diversified Small-Scale Farms in California (2022)

    The increasing number of diversified small-scale farms (DSSF) that raise outdoor-based livestock in the USA reflects growing consumer demand for sustainably produced food. Diversified farms are small scale and raise a combination of multiple livestock species and numerous produce varieties.

  27. Mission

    Our mission is to conduct and convene credible, evidence-based science on the environmental and health effects of organic food and farming and communicate the findings to the public.

    We set out to fulfill our mission by:

  28. Testing again

    No Toxic Persistent Pesticides: Organic farmers are prohibited from using toxic persistent pesticides that pollute the environment, harm pollinators, and contaminant your food. 

    No Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers: Chemical fertilizer used in conventional agriculture is one of the largest polluters of our drinking water today. 

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  30. Family

    For the health of your family

    Research shows that when you choose organic, you're getting more of the good stuff and none of the toxic synthetic chemicals. Studies have demonstrated that organic can have positive impacts on our health, because organic foods may provide:
