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  1. The Organic Center is urging NOSB to recognize the development of an organic meat curing agent

    The Organic Center is urging NOSB to recognize the development of an organic meat curing agent as one of its highest priorities, showcasing this "Organic Alternatives to Conventional Celery Powder" research project that is currently underway. Developing an organic meat curing agent has been among the research priorities listed by NOSB previously at its meetings, but the board removed it due to the OREI funding.

  2. A photo of one of the variety trials in the field in Wisconsin.

    Look at all that celery! 

  3. Environment

    For the health of the planet

    Agriculture is one of the largest polluters of our waterways and environments – but organic farming practices work with the earth to lessen the effects of climate change and foster healthier ecosystems. Studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of organic on the environment, such as:

  4. Our Project was awarded a full Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) grant from USDA


  5. The Organic Trade Association called for more research on organic alternatives to celery powder

    The Organic Trade Association called for more research on organic alternatives to celery powder, in their comments to the National Organic Standards Board this week.  Specifically, they noted that "there is a need to develop an organic alternative that is consistent with organic principles."  They also

  6. Meat Curing Experiment Update

    Written by:  Siyuan "Steven" Sheng, research assistant in the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Department of University of Wisconsin-Madison

  7. General Mills

  8. Whole Foods

  9. Lundberg

  10. Stonyfield

  11. Driscolls

  12. Webinar Recording: Tools Organic Farmers Need to Meet Food Safety Requirments: Learnings from a National Needs Assessment

    Tools Organic Farmers Need to Meet Food Safety Requirements:

  13. Meet our Staff Scientists

  14. Tools Organic Farmers Need to Meet Food Safety Requirements: Learnings from a National Needs Assessment

    Tools Organic Farmers Need to Meet Food Safety Requirements:

  15. Webinar Recording from 8/10/22

    Tools Organic Farmers Need to Meet Food Safety Requirements:

  16. test


  17. Learnings from the end of the 2022 field season

  18. Learnings from the 2022 celery field season

  19. Learnings from the 2022 celery field season


  20. Learnings from the 2022 celery field season

  21. Frontier Co-op®

    Frontier Co-op is a leader in organic and natural herbs, spices, and botanical products. Their Well Earth® sustainable impact sourcing program benefits farmers, the environment and businesses across the supply chain. They invest in infrastructure and business training to help their global suppliers adopt more sustainable practices.

  22. Teeccino

    Teeccino pioneered a new trade of wild-harvested ramón seeds collected in nine villages in Guatemla’s Maya Biosphere Reserve. By giving economic value to ramón trees and supporting local workshops to teach women how to prepare food made with ramón seeds for their families, Teeccino helps relieve poverty and provide critical nutrition for these rural communities while preserving the forest canopy.

  23. Draco Herbs

    As a worldwide leader in the manufacture and supply of natural botanical ingredients, Draco Natural Products believes in the importance of preservation, conservation, and maintaining the integrity of the natural environments where plants are harvested. They are partners in an initiative to protect and conserve panda habitats by maintaining bamboo forests for the continued sustainability of the plant and animal species that live there.

  24. McCabe Sundried Herbs and Teas

     McCabe Sun-Dried Herbs and Teas are grown and harvested organically without using any chemicals or pesticides that may harm the natural habitat or environment. They also provide well-paying jobs in local communities by using hand sun-drying techniques, developed and led by community members, rather than drying machines that take jobs away from those who need them most.

  25. Kalustyan

    Kalustyan Corporation pledges to the next generations by combining sciences, technology, and sustainability practices to feed future generations. Their commitment starts at the planet’s foundation, and healthy soils are the vehicle to achieve those goals. Kalustyan advocates for a brighter future by taking forward-thinking actions to protect and restore degraded soil, which can only be remediated now with biological and micro-nutrient inputs.

  26. Young Mountain Tea

    Young Mountain Tea is an Oregon-based importer and retailer of specialty loose-leaf tea. They directly source from small-scale organic farms on the Indian subcontinent. This mission-based brand works with Indian and Nepali communities to raise the quality of their tea, so they can earn more and raise the quality of their lives, creating a sustainable future for Himalayan farmers and their families.

  27. Fuchs

    Fuchs North America,an industry leader in custom organic seasoning and spice solutions,  relies on intact economic, ecological, and social systems in its supply chain to promote sustainable and ethical practices. They reduce their carbon footprint by limiting energy consumption, CO2 emissions and water consumption,and invest in improving the living and working conditions of the people along their supply chain.

  28. Davidsons Organics

    Davidson’s Organics supports 5,000 small tea-producing families living within their organic and fair trade Darjeeling region.  The company provides better working conditions for its growers by ensuring access to clean drinking water and medical care, providing household utilities such as electricity, cooking stoves and pressure cookers, providing soft loans for income diversification, developing a buy-back program for seed replantation, and focusing on women empowerment through the appointment of tea garden managers and welfare officers.


    ORGANIC INDIA participates in initiatives that raie the bar on what it means to be a socially and environmentally conscious business.

  30. ​​​​​​​Young Mountain Tea

    Young Mountain Tea is an Oregon-based importer and retailer of specialty loose-leaf tea. They directly source from small-scale organic farms on the Indian subcontinent. This mission-based brand works with Indian and Nepali communities to raise the quality of their tea, so they can earn more and raise the quality of their lives, creating a sustainable future for Himalayan farmers and their families.
