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  1. Organic Center wins USDA funding for 2018 Confluences conference

    Organic Center wins USDA funding for 2018 Confluences conference

  2. In frogs, ability to tolerate pesticide exposure comes with trade-offs

    In frogs, ability to tolerate pesticide exposure comes with trade-offs

  3. Pesticide exposure linked to irregular blood test results and kidney malfunction

    Pesticide exposure linked to irregular blood test results and kidney malfunction

  4. Global warming may increase pests in conventional agricultural vs. organic systems

    Global warming may increase pests in conventional agricultural vs. organic systems

  5. Organophosphate pesticides contaminate South African Wetland Park

    Organophosphate pesticides contaminate South African Wetland Park

  6. Pesticide residues in breast milk from Tanzania and their associated health risks

    Pesticide residues in breast milk from Tanzania and their associated health risks

  7. Conversion to organic cotton production improves the livelihood of smallholder farmers in Odisha, India

    Conversion to organic cotton production improves the livelihood of smallholder farmers in Odisha, India

  8. Farmer participatory breeding programs safeguard organic cotton production in India

    Farmer participatory breeding programs safeguard organic cotton production in India

  9. Skin may be an exposure route to flame retardants while sleeping in bed

    Skin may be an exposure route to flame retardants while sleeping in bed

  10. Crop Insurance 101 for Organic and Specialty Rice Farmers

    Crop Insurance 101 for Organic and Specialty Rice Farmers

  11. Organic farming supports soil microbes

    Organic farming supports soil microbes

  12. Organic agriculture can feed the world sustainably

    Organic agriculture can feed the world sustainably

  13. Organic agriculture combats antibiotic resistance

    Organic agriculture combats antibiotic resistance

  14. Organic soils sequester carbon to combat climate change

    Organic soils sequester carbon to combat climate change

  15. Exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides negatively impacts bees

    Exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides negatively impacts bees

  16. Pesticide exposure negatively impacts human health

    Pesticide exposure negatively impacts human health

  17. Organic systems support a diversity of wildlife

    Organic systems support a diversity of wildlife

  18. Calculating the true cost of pesticide use

    Calculating the true cost of pesticide use

  19. Exposure to multiple pesticides associated with IQ deficits in children

    Exposure to multiple pesticides associated with IQ deficits in children

  20. Flame retardants in bedding dust may be exposure route

    Flame retardants in bedding dust may be exposure route

  21. Neonicotinoids may pose risks for aquatic wildlife

    Neonicotinoids may pose risks for aquatic wildlife

  22. Increased dietary consumption of pesticides and pregnancy outcomes for women undergoing fertility treatment

    Increased dietary consumption of pesticides and pregnancy outcomes for women undergoing fertility treatment

  23. Organic vineyards support ant diversity

    Organic vineyards support ant diversity

  24. Herbicide use contributes to antibiotic resistance in some bacteria

    Herbicide use contributes to antibiotic resistance in some bacteria

  25. Organic rice production improves soil health

    Organic rice production improves soil health

  26. Protecting children from pesticide exposure

    Protecting children from pesticide exposure

  27. Long-term study shows organic farming improves soil physical properties

    Long-term study shows organic farming improves soil physical properties

  28. Neonicotinoids found in 75% of honey sampled in global study

    Neonicotinoids found in 75% of honey sampled in global study

  29. Engagement, relevance and investment: The must haves for organic research

    Engagement, relevance and investment: The must haves for organic research

  30. Benefit for The Organic Center inspires, entertains and raises record funds

    Benefit for The Organic Center inspires, entertains and raises record funds
