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Search results

  1. Low levels of glyphosate affect honeybees

    Low levels of glyphosate affect honeybees

  2. Large-scale study correlates neonicotinoid use with honeybee decline

    Large-scale study correlates neonicotinoid use with honeybee decline

  3. Low-level Roundup exposure may cause kidney and liver damage in rats

    Low-level Roundup exposure may cause kidney and liver damage in rats

  4. Three neonicotinoids pose a ‘high risk’ to bee populations

    Three neonicotinoids pose a ‘high risk’ to bee populations

  5. Organic crop farming results in less nitrogen loss than conventional crop farming

    Organic crop farming results in less nitrogen loss than conventional crop farming

  6. Farmer participation in breeding programs helps select locally adapted cultivars

    Farmer participation in breeding programs helps select locally adapted cultivars

  7. Exposure to sub-lethal levels of insecticide alters behavior of jumping spiders

    Exposure to sub-lethal levels of insecticide alters behavior of jumping spiders

  8. Increased biodiversity reduces pest problems on farms

    Increased biodiversity reduces pest problems on farms

  9. Organic farming can simultaneously improve pest control and yield

    Organic farming can simultaneously improve pest control and yield

  10. Organic management improves soil and yields

    Organic management improves soil and yields

  11. Organic Center Science Advisory Board Member Presents in Iran

    Organic Center Science Advisory Board Member Presents in Iran

  12. Scientific Contributions to a New Book by Frances Moore Lappê and Joseph Collins

    Scientific Contributions to a New Book by Frances Moore Lappê and Joseph Collins

  13. Letter to the Editor at The New York Times

    Letter to the Editor at The New York Times

  14. Study shows lack of public funding for sustainable agriculture research

    Study shows lack of public funding for sustainable agriculture research

  15. DDT and PCB exposure can lead to sperm abnormalities

    DDT and PCB exposure can lead to sperm abnormalities

  16. Organic farming supports habitat specialist mammals

    Organic farming supports habitat specialist mammals

  17. Pesticide exposure has negative long- and short-term effects

    Pesticide exposure has negative long- and short-term effects

  18. High levels of organochlorine pesticides found in vegetables

    High levels of organochlorine pesticides found in vegetables

  19. Pesticides found in catfish exceed the permissible limit

    Pesticides found in catfish exceed the permissible limit

  20. An organic researcher perspective on organic check-off funds

    An organic researcher perspective on organic check-off funds

  21. EPA to withdraw pesticide Enlist Duo

    EPA to withdraw pesticide Enlist Duo

  22. Organic Research Forum Poster Session Call for Poster Proposal Submissions

    Organic Research Forum Poster Session Call for Poster Proposal Submissions

  23. Early exposure to pesticides leads to decreased lung function in children

    Early exposure to pesticides leads to decreased lung function in children

  24. Organic New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

    Organic New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

  25. Birds may help control pest outbreaks on organic farms

    Birds may help control pest outbreaks on organic farms

  26. Commonly used agricultural pesticides negatively affect common carp

    Commonly used agricultural pesticides negatively affect common carp

  27. Renal disease linked to chronic pesticide exposure in U.S. farmworkers

    Renal disease linked to chronic pesticide exposure in U.S. farmworkers

  28. Prenatal exposure to the pesticide chlorpyrifos linked to tremors in mid childhood

    Prenatal exposure to the pesticide chlorpyrifos linked to tremors in mid childhood

  29. Pesticide contamination of water poses health risks for humans

    Pesticide contamination of water poses health risks for humans

  30. Organic rice cultivation supports aquatic biodiversity

    Organic rice cultivation supports aquatic biodiversity
