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Search results

  1. Diazinon use by farm workers is associated with elevated lung cancer risk

    Diazinon use by farm workers is associated with elevated lung cancer risk

  2. Long-term study confirms benefits of organic farming for soil organisms

    Long-term study confirms benefits of organic farming for soil organisms

  3. Organic farming enhances the diversity of beneficial predatory insects

    Organic farming enhances the diversity of beneficial predatory insects

  4. Pig livestock workers likely to carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria

    Pig livestock workers likely to carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria

  5. Organic farming increases soil health and plant nutrients

    Organic farming increases soil health and plant nutrients

  6. New study finds that organic farming pays

    New study finds that organic farming pays

  7. Organic Center Report: The Role of Organic in Supporting Pollinator Health

    Organic Center Report: The Role of Organic in Supporting Pollinator Health

  8. Exposure to phosphate flame retardants weakly linked to household dust

    Exposure to phosphate flame retardants weakly linked to household dust

  9. Flame retardant Dechlorane Plus accumulation in birds

    Flame retardant Dechlorane Plus accumulation in birds

  10. Low bumblebee diversity in hedgerows next to conventional farms

    Low bumblebee diversity in hedgerows next to conventional farms

  11. Organic farms increase biodiversity on nearby conventional farms

    Organic farms increase biodiversity on nearby conventional farms

  12. Wings of honey bees are an exposure site to pesticides

    Wings of honey bees are an exposure site to pesticides

  13. Pyrethroid exposure linked to cognitive developmental disabilities in children

    Pyrethroid exposure linked to cognitive developmental disabilities in children

  14. Antimicrobial activity of organic honey fights food pathogenic bacteria

    Antimicrobial activity of organic honey fights food pathogenic bacteria

  15. GMO farming less profitable than conventional and traditional farming

    GMO farming less profitable than conventional and traditional farming

  16. Organic farming methods reduce water pollution

    Organic farming methods reduce water pollution

  17. Native habitat can protect native bees from the harmful effects of pesticides

    Native habitat can protect native bees from the harmful effects of pesticides

  18. Fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors linked to genital defect in boys

    Fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors linked to genital defect in boys

  19. DDT pesticide exposure in utero increases breast cancer risk

    DDT pesticide exposure in utero increases breast cancer risk

  20. “Benign” fungicides negatively affect bumble bees

    “Benign” fungicides negatively affect bumble bees

  21. Long-term studies support benefits of organic farming

    Long-term studies support benefits of organic farming

  22. Quality and sustainability of organic and conventional food

    Quality and sustainability of organic and conventional food

  23. Acetochlor and cancer risk

    Acetochlor and cancer risk

  24. Organic agriculture and soil health

    Organic agriculture and soil health

  25. Low-dose exposure to multiple chemicals may increase cancer-causing mutations

    Low-dose exposure to multiple chemicals may increase cancer-causing mutations

  26. Pesticide exposure and childhood leukemia

    Pesticide exposure and childhood leukemia

  27. Pesticide use and risk of shortening telomeres

    Pesticide use and risk of shortening telomeres

  28. Neonicotinoids found in freshwater across the U.S.

    Neonicotinoids found in freshwater across the U.S.

  29. Clearing habitat near farms does not reduce pathogen crop contamination

    Clearing habitat near farms does not reduce pathogen crop contamination

  30. Low levels of glyphosate affect honeybees

    Low levels of glyphosate affect honeybees
